His documentary series aims at spreading awareness about the horrors of poaching and trafficking of tigers Robin Karyeth, the Director...
The film will unravel the courtroom battle that Sankaran Nair fought against the British Raj to uncover the truth about...
The recently released short, directed by Kochi-based director Larish KM, pivots around a gangster It begins at a slaughter house...
Most of these films hope to be picked by streaming platforms, while two are planning for a theatrical release as...
COVID-19 did not let him travel to Russia, but he won the prize for the best script Jayaraj was a...
The poignant Telugu-Tamil music video ‘Daare Ledha’ and ‘Vaanam Thondraadho’ is the handiwork of composer Vijai Bulganin, who has been...
Santosh Sobhan and Malvika Nair to star in director Nandini Reddy’s ‘Anni Manchi Sakunamule’ Two years after the release of...
“I want to document wild landscapes that are getting distorted due to urbanisation,” says award-winning nature photographer K.Jayaram and starts...
Koratala Siva and actor Satya Dev will collaborate for a new Telugu film to be directed by V V Gopala...
Investigative, horror-thriller Cold Case, starring Prithviraj Sukumaran, which drops on Amazon Prime on June 30, would be the actor’s first...
The Telugu political entertainer starring Allari Naresh will be directed by first-timer Sateesh Mallampati Actor Allari Naresh, who was appreciated...
The original film was about a small group of immortal soldiers, led by a woman named Andy (Theron), who have...
Curtis will be presented with the award in the Sala Grande of the Palazzo del Cinema before the out-of-competition screening...
The proposed amendments to the cinematograph law will prevent film-makers from making certain kinds of films Can we remain silent...
The festival is returning with its 74th edition, set to be held in person from August 4 to 14 in...