On a mission to revamp the education sector, Kubic Online is the new buzz that students and parents are talking about.
3 min readOften spoken about is the education sector and its shortcomings in the country. But seldom do we see someone coming out with solutions and plans of action which are out of the box. Kubic Online is one such startup which is indeed working in that direction.
“Our objective is not to challenge the conventional education system or the offline schooling system but rather to complement the same. Students these days are just asked to complete tons of assignments and lectures as the only recipe to do good in life whereas working smartly ,actually understanding the concepts and developing aptitude to apply to those concepts in exams like JEE ,NEET and CAT is not being addressed.Mentorship and guidance forms an integral part of the system in such cases.We have developed a rigorous stepwise approach where in our alpha stage we provide orientation ,beta stage we provide conceptual clarity and gamma stage we make student ready for application of those concepts to real world problems.” – Mr Vaibhav Bajpai , Managing Director ,Founder , Kubic Online Edutech Private Limited.
Kubic Online is launching its premium Aeromodelling & Drones, robotics, Electronics discover kids programme, young astronaut programme and many more out of the box domain like artificial intelligence and arduino.The main purpose of bringing these well planned course along with assembly kits is to imbibe that interest in kids while learning the working and operation of the equipments provided to them and making things happen. It’s a full proof structure that ensures maximum engagement and creates a sense of purpose without any pressure whatsoever.With National education Policy being brought in, these special courses and kits will complement the new educational structure the government is planning to establish.
“What is the current situation and problem that is hampering the education sector?
The current system focuses on grade based evaluation and face the pressure system which is not ideal for any student or aspirant. Education is not about life and death exams but should be fun and engaging.The core issue lies in identifying the right area of interest for a student which he engages and loves.Once this is addressed the word ‘Pressure and stress’ are no more in the picture and the output is significantly different. Kubic Online will use unique programmes and modules to make sure equal exposure and awareness is available to a student to try and identify his or her area of interest”,said Shubham Mahajan , CEO , Director ,Kubic Online Edutech Private Limited.
The unique thing about this Edutech is that they are targeting an inclusive educational reformation that includes tier 2, tier 3 and 4 towns and cities along with rural areas which are left aside often citing the affordability and accessibility issue.
Kubic Online has successfully driven its current portfolio of products and clocked an incredible growth even after the uncertainties that are created by the pandemic and exam scenarios in the country. Considering their current growth and valuation the startup is all set to break all barriers of entry and establish itself as an unique educational entity .
“Given our unique penetration models we are sure of attaining our objective of making education accessible and affordable. Education is a power that should be utilised and groomed carefully rather than treating it like a commodity” Said the CEO of the startup .
Links : https://www.linkedin.com/company/kubiconline
— http://www.kubiconlinedutech.com/