November 3, 2024

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Nurturing Pregnancy With Traditional Wisdom: Rohit Dhingra’s Path Breaking Book ‘Beginning Of Motherhood: A Holistic Perspective’

2 min read

“We are pregnant,” is the popular adage associated with modern couples in workspace and familial environments to define the period of pregnancy. The traditional notion of parenthood always privileged the mother to play an active role and while reducing the role of a father to a more passive level. But the modern waves of twenty first century have picked up the role of the father with greater enthusiasm. Several countries and companies around the world now offer paternity leave to recognize the significant role of a father. But the process of getting acclimatized to modern trends and technology, sometimes neglects the traditional wisdom and remedies, when in fact, these can be very helpful for natural birthing. It is in this context , that Rohit Dhingra, a passionate socio-entrepreneur, decided to decode his own personal experience during his wife Summi Dhingra’s pregnancy and combine his journey with research inputs from Ayurvedic texts in the book ‘Beginning of Motherhood: A Holistic Perspective.’

The intention of the book is to reach several couples who are perplexed by this new journey in their lives. The book challenges myths related to pregnancy and provides a complete guide on how to nourish a mother and child with best care and attention.

The book also specifies the essentiality to take care of emotional and dietary requirements of a mother with meticulous details providing month wise plans during the whole span of nine pregnancy. ‘Beginning of Motherhood’ espouses the sentiment that traditional and modern knowledge can be best integrated, and can congregate to produce the finest of results.

The book serves as a companion for any pregnant couples in their most significant phase of life.

Rohit Dhingra serves the best platter of knowledge in this arena with his expertise of pregnancy care. Pregyanam is his institutional endeavour which aims to inculcate the best mindset for parents before and after the child is born attempting to provide greater supervision, parental care, Resources, one-on-one support, counselling, products, and lots more. Check them out at and get the book can be bought online at :

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