LAASMO: Ancient Principals for Modern Application

Yes, of course, as you read in the title, we are ready to bust all your myths about ancient methods of personal care. And by using the best of Ayurveda herbs in a modern way (Stem Cell Culture), we are very close to a historical revolution in the world of personal care. As a result of our hard work and extensive research, we have concluded that stem cells derived from the Centella Asiatica plant can offer incredible benefits to our skin and hair. We have made this possible. And soon, it’s coming to take a permanent place in your care wardrobe.
Your brand LASSMO is ready with its four signature products (Face wash, face serum, Face oil and Hair shampoo) once and soon will be available with a complete body care range. All rights of LAASMO is reserved with YELLOW SPHERE PRIVATE LIMITED, which is proudly MADE IN INDIA.
We are Different because, leaving the custom of traditional chemical base products and inspired by our Ayurveda, we have gone back to nature and figured out a plant common to the entire human race that can rejuvenate your hair and skin. Centella Asiatica will work as a sanjeevani to make you look more radiant and young.
We are Historical because we do not use the traditional way of infusing organic and natural ingredients in personal care products. We found a new and more effective way of infusing ingredients that deliver the actual power of ingredients and makes them extra beneficial for use like:
- We do not use the Centella Asiatica plant directly in our products; instead, we first isolate the meristematic stem cells of the plant and then inject these cells into our products, which multiplies the herb’s effectiveness.
- The chemical composition of any of the ingredients in our products is not changed in any way. They are separated from their parent plant at the same stage as they are found in their parent plant. It does not in any way reduce the efficiency of the herbs.
What is it really? Cells are the basic building blocks of all living things in biology, the smallest unit that can live on its own and that makes up all living organisms and plants? A plant cell refers to any cell of a plant that is used by LAASMO in its products is a basic unit of all plants. More profoundly, we use meristematic [a region of a plant in which active cell division (MITOSIS) occurs, the cells of the meristem not being differentiated into a specialist form] stem cell of plant CENTELLA ASIATICA (Gotu Kola)
What Dermatologists said, is according to medical science, Doctors claim that stem cells have no side effects and long term effects, unlike other procedures for anti-ageing that may have minimal side effects. Incurable diseases have now drawn the attention of dermatologists eyeing anti-ageing solutions. While an extensive research is going on in the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) for harnessing the potential of stem cells in antiaging, few dermatologists claim to have achieved outstanding results in women keen on exploring the process. Dermatologists claim that stem cell-based treatments for preventing ageing of a person’s skin, face and hair are gaining popularity.
Why are we infusing stem cells? Because when we talk about SKIN, HAIR, and their REJUVENATION, then the first herbs described in AYURVEDA is CENTELLA ASIATICA which plays a vital role in rejuvenation. The biological properties of Centella Asiatica make it an ideal source of stem cells. It is rich in triterpene saponins—a compound that helps keep skin tighter and firmer—and is also a great source of phytonutrients called flavonoids that act as antioxidants and fight off free radical damage. It boosts the formation of collagen and skin tissue, which is crucial in maintaining the skin’s elasticity and youthful glow. Centella Asiatica acts as a fortifying agent that nourishes the hair follicles and scalp and primes it for healthy hair growth. It also helps stimulate microcirculation, which enables greater oxygen and nutrient intake by the follicle.
Soon and Very Soon We Are Going to Live, Yes tight your seat belt and be alert on our following digital gateway for catching our live launching event and be stayed tuned at our website or followings_