Enlighten oneself with the age-old knowledge in the puranas glorifying the rudraksha with Mr. Harinesh Kumar Jain

(“IIna kālamativartante mahānta: sveṣu karmas ॥) Great people never delay their duties.”
Mr. Harinesh Kumar Jain originally established Rudraksham Web Stores India Pvt Ltd -Health and Wellness (Spiritual Goods Store) known colloquially as the Rudraksham. com, strives to be known and acknowledged as the most exalted Rudraksha alliance in the world, as well as to be known as the classic example of divinity, through kindness and generosity. It strives to reinvigorate the spiritual truth and spiritual notion of Rudraksha by meeting the requirements of millions of people by making it cost-effective and accessible.
“What you seek is seeking you.” Mr. Harinesh aspires to compile the knowledge he has self-acquired and, of course, with the blessings of his guru to the masses globally. Shiva Purana is one of the ancient Puranas that he has deeply read and employs to spread the word about the splendor of rudraksha, thanks to his extensiveness in terms of such a depth understanding of the texts.
He cites Shiva Purana Chapter Five and simplifies the verses for his audience and speaks of:
To say, how a thousand divine years of staunch meditation and the chaos of this world distracted the lord. Oh Shiva, overwhelmed by the rich vility of this creation, he could not but shed a few drops of tear that took the form of Rudraksha-s. It was seen that the very genesis of this seed was to solve the vility of the world and enmity of its beings. It was the sole flag-bearer of origin, nurture, and end trinity as well as the creation of nature herself. Shiva Puran, as explained duly by the Sutradhar, elucidates over the benefits of Rudraksha in a fashionably aloha manner - easy to grasp on. It states that the Rudraksha is a favorite bead of Shiva. It is highly sanctifying. It removes all sins by sight, contact and Japas. It states that the Rudraksha has been created to help the world.
Mr. Harinesh elaborates on his understanding of the various forms of rudrakshas in accordance with the Shiva Purana and the benefits of each one of them. He mentions that Rudraksha-s are of the following types with the as-mentioned benefits:
- One Face Rudraksha: This type of Rudraksha symbolises Lord Shiva himself. This is the supreme Rudraksha for anyone who wants to enjoy all the blessings as well as get devoted to the supreme power. It will make your energies in such a way that you will want to be focused.
- Two Face Rudraksha: It is also known as the Unity Rudraksha as it brings about unity for its wearer. A 2 Face Rudraksha frees a person from even the sin of a cow slaughter. It gives a blessing of a happy family, improved relationships with all people around as well as getting a suitable match.
- Three Face Rudraksha: This destroys all the sins done by a person in his past life and makes him pure on a spiritual level like Agni does with all those who come in his contact. This Rudraksha should also be worn to get rid of Inferiority Complex as well as from Fear of the unknown.
- Four Face Rudraksha: A wearer of this Rudraksha becomes more knowledgeable since his powers of concentration and learning are increased manifold as well as his memory power also increases and therefore he is able to retain whatever knowledge he acquires.
- Five Face Rudraksha: This is a most commonly found Rudraksha & it destroys the “Bad Karmas” of the present life, thereby making the wearer pure and his mind become peaceful and calm. This Rudraksha removes sins of various kinds which have been committed by a person in the present life. This Rudraksha has been highly regarded in Ancient Texts and Scripts and it has been given the status of " Dev Guru Rudraksha " because of the fact that its ruling planet is Jupiter who is the Guru of Gods.
- Six Face Rudraksha: The wearer of this Rudraksha gets courage as well as wisdom by the blessings of Lord Kartikeya. This Rudraksha also increases the will power and the power of expression and hence, Leaders & Actors who have to perform or give speeches can derive benefits by wearing this bead.
- Seven Face Rudraksha: This Rudraksha is related to the 7 sages (Saptarshi) and the wearer is bestowed with good Health and Wealth by their blessings.
- Eight Face Rudraksha: One of the most important effects of this Rudraksha is that it removes obstacles so that the wearer is able to achieve Success easily thereby leading to a happier life.
- Nine Face Rudraksha: Its wearer is no more afraid of Death. This Rudraksha is said to make a person fearless and he is blessed with energy, power, dynamism and fearlessness which leads to better self confidence.
- Ten Face Rudraksha: It helps the wearer to overcome difficult times and ensures that the wearer & his family are protected. It also represents Gods of all ten directions whose blessings are also showered on its wearer. All sins done by the ten human organs are destroyed by wearing this rudraksha.
- Eleven Face Rudraksha: Its wearer gets a feeling of right actions and courage and he fears nothing.
- Twelve Face Rudraksha: This Rudraksha improves the Administrative capacity of a person.
- Thirteen Face Rudraksha: It is a very rare bead and it gives immense Wealth and the Position of Authority to its wearer. A person who wears is liked by all those people who interact with him by the blessings of Lord Indra.
- Fourteen Face Rudraksha: This Rudraksha is considered to have come directly from the eyes of Lord Shiva who himself wears this bead. This Rudraksha activates the Ajna Chakra located between the two Eyebrows thereby giving the wearer an ability to visualize the future so that he is able to make correct decisions. This Rudraksha also represents the 3rd eye of Lord Shiva.
Thus goes the saga of the faces of Rudrakshas.
It is said that wearing the Rudrakshas with devotion and reverence by anointing them with mantras leads to the fulfillment of all desires and meanings. Rudrakshas upto fourteen-faced should be worn without being lazily anointed with fourteen mantras.
In a nutshell, Mr. Harisnesh and his label Rudraksham.com not only is working on enlightening the masses into why they should be having rudraksha but also giving out the true knowledge and significance of rudraksha according to the ancient scriptures.
Rudraksham.com unlike many other labels in the market is not just propagating the commercialization of their product but on a larger spectrum aims to awaken the population about the true value of our ages-old deeply rooted knowledge and power of the rudraksha and the glory we hold till date.
With Harinesh's expertise and care, their hand-picked Nepalese beads go through an invigorating procedure that can last anywhere from eight to 108 days..They always assure their clients that whatever is said in their scriptures is 100% true if followed faithfully. Whatever they grasped sagaciously on their spiritual journey, they passed on to their audience and clientele. So without any further delay contact them today.